Shade sail structures cool playgrounds at California schools, preschools, child care centers, churches, synagogues, clubs, community parks, owner associations, office parks, resorts, shopping centers, etc. These tensile structures cover playgrounds on all kinds of educational, commercial, municipal, industrial & institutional properties.
Why? Sail shade fabrics are the beautiful, cost-effective way to protect kids. From what? From the sun’s dangerous UV rays, hot air temperatures, and hotter surfaces. Playground shade sails also make adult supervision more pleasant. They’re the perfect solution for permanent sun protection.
Depending upon color, the cable tensioned fabrics block up to 96% UVA & UVB rays and provide Shade Factor up to 97%. Ambient temperature drops us to 20 degrees because hot air rises out the top between the knitted HDPE yarns.

(Playground Sail Shades: San Diego)
Add visual flair by warping fabrics into 3D hyperbolic curves!

(Marin County Preschool Shade Sail)